Rob Katz

BOP Job Announcement – NextBillion Intern & Lauren’s Last Day

WeWantYou.jpgWe are happy to announce that we’re hiring an intern to work on and other research related to the intersection of business and development. The job posting is up on World Resources Institute’s main site – check it out for the full details.

The basics: we’re looking for someone to work in our Washington, DC office as a volunteer (to start). Depending on performance and availability of funds, this internship has the potential to transition into a paid position after a trial period.

If you’re an excellent researcher and writer, and want to build your knowledge base about the BOP, this is the job for you. Students and graduates are welcome to apply; some work experience is preferred. If you have any questions, contact us directly. To apply, see the job posting.

And on a related note, today is Lauren’s last day with us here at WRI. She’s heading back to Oberlin, where classes start Monday (side note: if you are an Oberlin student, consider taking Lauren’s social entrepreneurship ExCo this semester!) We’re really thankful for her work here, and wish her the best.
