Rob Katz

Tomorrow’s Company

EarthQuestionMark.jpgWhat will tomorrow’s companies look like? What impact, if any, will innovation blowback have? PSDBlog?s Michael Jarvis points to a new effort, called Tomorrow’s Global Company, that attempts to arrive at some answers:

Now, a UK-based think tank, Tomorrow’s Company, has teamed with leading firms to launch an inquiry addressing core questions on the future role of business in society. Co-chaired by BP and Infosys and with experts such as John Elkington on the inquiry team it should spark some interesting debate. Will business really take on global challenges? Do you think the framing questions are even the right ones? In a welcome step, the inquiry is asking you to share your views here.

Sadly, there’s nothing explicit in the four questions about business and poverty. That said, the four are broad enough to warrant inclusion here, and to warrant some of your attention. The discussion closes September 15, so chime in soon.

(HT PSDBlog)
